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Guide Page News Updated July 8, 2000

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You can create a personalized news page on Yahoo!

Yahoo! My Yahoo!

How to set up

Go to... Yahoo! Personalized News...

Click PERSONALIZE... You'll see the default page...


Fill out registration form... SUBMIT... They will e-mail you a confirmation... But you can go in immediately and start personalizing...

Click "Continue to My Yahoo!"... NOTE you WILL NOT be able to share your personalized My Yahoo! with friends without also giving them your user name and password (which we would not recommend)...

You can now customize (Click) "Content" and (Click) "Layout"...

For instance I've set up mine with only FINANCE, the WEATHER and HEADLINES... The .com get rich quick in the stock market set up...

You can then go in and customize TOPICS like stocks... You might need this stock symbol look up first... You can set up WHAT IF portfolio of stocks and see how rich you could have been if you only put your dollars into the market instead of shoes for the kids... Fooling around with it before going barefoot...

My Netscape Screen Customize (Click) "Layout"...

By clicking on items you can prioritize the order... UP or DOWN... or delete an item...

A feature that I really like is the NEWS CLIPPER... you can create a personalized clipping service... Cool...

Please e-mail your suggestions and additions regrading this how to guide page to us.

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Your guide to orgainizing and using free web Your guide to orgainizing and using free web resources.

Mission:To facilitate participation between individuals, organizations and businesses on a global basis. Provide an online guide to news and information topics of global interest and to help you build, link to, organize, find - personalized and/or participatory pages, sites and home/office appliance control links. Making these online resources easier to find, personalize, participate with and manage thus making your time online more enjoyable, informative, interactive and productive - globally as well as locally. is owned and operated by Inter-Vitae, Inc.

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