T r i b u l a t i o n

    Not a miracle
    that they did all eat
    and were filled.

. x
. For us all.

Seven loaves and the few little fishes.

    Four thousand fed.
    Meat left over...

    Not a miracle
    about the feeding or the leavings...

    Not a miracle
    about the meat...

    Not a miracle
    that they did all eat and were filled...

    Seven baskets full
    Little fishes
    of little faith
    now have
    Seven baskets full

    Not a miracle
    of filling ones' belly...

    Not a miracle
    of a power of a person...

    Seven baskets full
    Little fishes
    of little faith
    now have
    Seven baskets full

    A miracle of
    sharing equally what was available.

    A miracle of
    how a little faith can become baskets full

    A miracle of
    how a community of humanity
    sharing equally what we have on this earth
    will all be filled
    will have more than enough to go around

    A miracle of

    Seven baskets full
    Little fishes
    of little faith
    now have
    Seven baskets full

    from sharing.


©1997 Bernard Re, Jr.

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