Bernard Re, Jr. has been painting for over thirty years. His lyrical expressionist linear style in the nineteen-seventies related to the energy and DNA strands that wove into life on the canvas. In the eighties the lines represented the organic interrelationship between humans, nature, light and darkness all seeking some semblance of balance in the realization that we are one. After a short break from painting from the late-eighties to mid-nineties Re picked up the brush again and his work took on the nature and size of an icon. These icons expressed his lyrical style symbolize mental and spiritual pictures of real and fantastical places, people and concepts.
About the paintings:
Please check By Title List for current prices.
Two Paths
Sketched at Clinton Lake, Lawrence, Kansas.
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
Mistrust God
Inspired by a story that the "In God We Trust" motto was being considered for inclusion in every public school classroom as a wall poster.
Year: 2002 Size: 4 x 6 Price: upon request
Axis of Evil
The danger of organized religions and their negative effect on humanity. Symbols of Christianity (the cross), Islam (the crescent) and Hindu (the aum) make up the painting. Image the others...
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
The Woods At Night
Into the unknown we go.
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
The Patriot Act, or "...the least example of the democratic process..."
From a statement by U. S. Senator Frank upon passage of the so-called "Patriot Act" passed in reaction to September 11 events and pushed through without proper Judiciary
Committee debate.
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
Pinocchio Ashcroft, or "photos of Ashcroft's Senate hearings will be looked at again more closely"
Reaction to Attorney General Ashcroft's actions in the wake of September 11 events in relationship to civil rights issues and statements he made during his Senate hearings that he would uphold the rights of individuals.
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
Outer Banks porch chair 2002
Sketched while on vacation on the Outer Banks, North Carolina in 2001.
Year: 2002 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
The Storm
This painting was sketched out as a storm rolled up the coast during our vacation on the Outer Banks, North Carolina in 2001. It was painted
during that vacation.
Year: 2001 Size: 6x8 Price: upon request
Cornstock 2000
Main stage at Cornstock 2000, painted on location May 30 in Sioux City, Iowa.
Year: 2000 Size: 8 x 10 Price: upon request
Main Stage at Cornstock Music
Festival 1999
This painting was sketched out at the first Cornstock Folk and Blues Music Festival held in Sioux City, Iowa on Memorial Day weekend.
Year: 1999 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
Metatron the guardian angel of humanity.
Year: 1998 Size: 5 x 7 Price: upon request
The Legacy
The legacy of the Industrial Age and the volcanic and climatic changes that have resulted. Find the
G7 (Group of seven industrialized nations) text, the words "Ozone Hole" and the
"ring of fire" volcanoes.
Year: 1998 Size: 9 x 12 Price: upon request
Summer Past
Looking out the window onto the patio of our home in Connecticut.
Year: 1998 Size: 6 x 8 Price: upon request
How Commissions Work:
I will come to your location (within three hour drive of Canaan, CT) and spend a Saturday or a Sunday sketching a 8"x10" portrait of a person, your home or a scene for you on commission. Fee: upon request. ( a non-refundable deposit of $300. Is required, with balance upon delivery of painting.) Call (860) 824-1010 if you would like more information.
Bernard Re, Jr. has taken part in many gallery, museum group shows and exhibitions. The long list includes shows in Connecticut, his home state, in Boston as a member of The Copley Society of Artists, in New York City Soho gallery district and in Montreal, Canada as a participant in an international art exhibition. His work has found a place in private homes, student dorm rooms and offices. While living in Sioux City, Iowa he was a founding member of the Fourth Street Gallery Artist Cooperative.
Re was educated in Boston, Mass. attending New England School of Art and Massachusetts College of Art.
He lives and works in Canaan, Connecticut with his wife Nancy and a dog named Baby. He has a daughter Sarah in NYC and a son Jamie in Massachusetts.