T r i b u l a t i o n

    Lightning bolts
    traverse the earth and sky,
    reality strikes..

. x
. From within and without.

    There is a

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    Half of my lifetime has been spent in hope of a promise.
    The next half should be spent in action of a promise fulfilled.

    That step
    After so long.

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    So here I sit writing changes into our lives.
    Beginning anew.
    Playing with scriptures
    not to be messed with.
    Fire, brimstone, God's love and damnation threatening.

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    Now it is the close of the Millennium.
    Examinations of where we have been.
    Where we are going are rampant.
    It is the time.
    How can I do otherwise.
    All is fulfilled.

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    What will it mean if I do nothing?
    What if it is false?
    A delusion?

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    And if I sing this new song will it do more damage than good.
    Truth or a delusion may not even matter

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    What of the wrongs that have yet to be done in the name of religion?
    Can I really make it any worse?

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    I hesitate to put the millstone of doubt around the necks of others.
    But there is this

    New heaven, new earth!

    New Adam
    New Eve!

    It has happened.

    and continues.


©1997 Bernard Re, Jr.

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