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Your guide to orgainizing and using free web resources.
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Donate Based Model: Updated August 29, 2001

Business Model: will strive to remain a patron-based business model and to dodge the bill collectors for as long as possible but reserves the right to sell advertising to generate revenue at any time deemed necessary (help us not to stoop that low).

Become a patron: Write us a check or send cash (one-dollar would do it) now and get a personalized, numbered, e-mail thanking you! WOW! Suitable for framing! Who knows maybe 18 months (Internet-Time) from now it will be a collectors item. Who will get "Thank you for becoming a patron..." - e-mail "Number 1?" (suitable for framing)

Make out check payable to Inter-Vitae, Inc. or just put a one dollar bill (from whatever country you are from) in an envelope and send it to:

Inter-Vitae, Inc./
c/o Bernie Re
3700 Clinton Parkway, Suite 1302, Mailbox 109
Lawrence, Kansas, USA 66047

Your dollars will go to keeping this a PATRON-BASED REVENUE MODEL - which means advertising free!

Please note that the free services that we have used and integarated with our site have policies that may be different to our own.

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Home (GH) is owned and operated by Inter-Vitae, Inc. 

You can make the difference,

Bernie Re

©2000 Inter-Vitae, Inc.

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Your guide to orgainizing and using free web Your guide to orgainizing and using free web resources.

To make the online global experience fuller by creating a virtual place for and a means by which news, information, stories, art and ideas can be published, exchanged, interacted with, contributed to and discussed in an open and fair manner. See "Participatory, Evolutionary, Personalized, Information PEPI is owned and operated by Inter-Vitae, Inc.

© 2001 Inter-Vitae, Inc.

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